About Crow Tree
Dark yet bright, this is a rarity amongst specialty coffees. Top quality high altitude arabicas are more commonly light roasted but we feel this only tells half their story. By using the cleanest available green coffee we are able to roast darker without bitterness; to develop bold yet defined flavours that match those found in the best quality single estate chocolates. Crow Tree is a rich and intense coffee that suits fans of more traditional styles.
Crow Tree uses green coffee sourced from women coffee farmers in Peru that work with the Cafe Femenino program. This ground-breaking organisation support women farmers and producers in what can be a challenging and male dominated industry. We pay quality premiums to secure the best lots from this co-op and invest directly in infrastructure projects to benefit the Asproagro community.
Country - Peru Asproagro, Honduras Finca La Guadeloupe
Variety - Various arabicas
Process - Washed - Clean & bright
Altitude - Various
Roast1 2 3 4 5
How to brew
Crow Tree was designed as an rich sweet espresso but still great as a filter or cafetiere where the traditional roast flavours come to the foreground. As a developed espresso, you can use a ligher dose (16g, but whatever suits your machine best), and work on a 1:2.5 ratio, making an espresso weighing about 40g. Shoot it shorter if you want more body and sweetness. For filter, we recommend using 60g per litre of water. It’s the industry standard for a reason, delivering a rich balanced flavour with most coffees.
Tasting notes
Snap off a square of the best quality dark chocolate and let it melt on your tounge. The sweetness balances the bitterness of the cocoa as the berry fruit flavours linger
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